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Monday, 8 October 2007

Recharging the green batteries

If you are into hills, valleys, mountains and peaks then you will find that La Palma does them very well indeed. Although the dewdrop shaped island only measures a trifling 28 by 17 miles, it would still take you 5 hours to drive around it due to the topography. In fact, it is said that La Palma is the most mountainous island in the world for its size –hey, the world – not just Europe! At its highest point, the island rises to a creditable 2436 meters above sea level which makes it the second highest Canarian island, after Tenerife. The apparently bizarre landscape of the island was created as it rose from the sea 2 million years ago and well after all but one of its neighbours. This has a huge impact on a large number of factors such as transportation, communication, weather, life style and certainly not least, beauty.

The splendor of the island is hard to take in at times particularly in the north. Here, the landscape makes for impressive scenery as the ridges of land swirl up and over, rising and falling between villages like roller-coaster waves. An intensely blue sky stops abruptly in a sharp line where the two meet. On the higher slopes, the huge pine trees reach up to the sky until they are finally tall enough to spread their glittering greens into glorious freedom. Tiny houses are sprinkled across the landscape in an apparently haphazard affair. But wait until night falls and the lights come on like daisy chains as the houses appear to spill down one slope after another.

And then the stars come out to play ...

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