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Friday, 12 October 2007

Poppies in paradise

One of the most wonderful times to visit La Palma is in the spring when the wild flowers jostle with each other to gain your attention. The Flor de Mayo is one of our greatest stalwarts standing half a meter tall with a mass of miniscule purple petals. Having first started way back in October, it is well worth the wait as they regally line the garden walls and fill every flower vase in the house.

But in the main, the rest of the gang like to keep you guessing whether or not they will be putting on a show. And then, all of a sudden it seems that La Palma has had busy fingers in the paint box. Terraces are wildly painted in flowers of yellows and purples. Great tumbling piles of sweet peas in stunning magenta fall over themselves with enthusiasm at the sides of quiet paths. Geraniums left unattended to please themselves cascade down the slopes in pinks, purples and reds.

My favourites though are the poppies which are simplicity in spun silk. Such a gentle flower, all they ask for is a little space and peace. They would rather grow in with the carrots where they won’t be bothered too much by all that noisy jangle of colours. Or they will pick a separate place in an empty flower bed or at the side of the road where they can watch the show from a distance. But they are tender little souls which are happy to be left alone so admire them before you carry on and let them nod to you as you go.

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