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Saturday 30 April 2011

Ruta de las Cruces

The 3rd of May is cause for celebration on La Palma - yes, something of a fiesta you might not be surprised to hear. However, this one is particularly important as it celebrates the founding of Santa Cruz de la Palma, which took place on 3rd May, 1493.   Like many fiestas, it starts rather late at 22.00 hrs and continues through the night.  The difference with this one is that it is in fact an excursion on foot - the Ruta de las Cruces - to see the decorated crosses to celebrate the event. 
If you are already on the island, you can enrol for the walk by ringing 603850336 and ask for Esther.  Don't worry, it won't be a dull half-dozen of you out for half an hour - it seems like half of La Palma go and it lasts approximately eight hours.  Or just turn up and follow the crowds.  You will find impromtu bars open, bands playing and singing and in general a great party atmosphere.  Oh, and the crosses are rather amazing too, decorated with jewellery, silks and flowers and many with huge but intricate backdrops made of tiny seeds.  And of course you can go and see them in the day too.
  Meet at 22.00 hrs in San Pedro and bring a coat, torch, walking pole or stick and reflective tabard or similar.
It'll be something of an eye-opener, even in the dark!


Travels with Emma said...

That fiesta really sounds interesting! What a party it should be.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's a fabulous event with no two crosses the same. And the work that goes into the decoration is nothing short of amazing!
If you don't like crowds or being awake for meost of the night, a daytime viewing is to be recommended although true to say, there is less atmosphere!