The Indians are coming! Red Indians? No white Indians?
Confused? Don’t worry, it is just fiesta fun.
Ask anyone, Palmeran or otherwise, and you will get a slightly different explanation of what this particular fiesta is all about. Generally though, it is to celebrate the return of the rich Palmerans from Cuba. And as we know, all rich people who are not out digging the land like the rest of us, dress in white. And if white is not white enough, there is always talcum powder …..
It is great fun though and a chance to head off to the capital for the day dressed in your finery. Incidentally, you don’t need to worry if you don’t own any white clothes – the shops are full of them for weeks in advance.
So watch out for ladies with pretty little parasols, small children in white slacks and shirts, and ‘rich’ men with wads of Monopoly money sticking out of their top pocket.
One thing this fiesta has in common with others on the island is the fantastic feeling of friendship. Live music abounds, a procession and just a little talc!
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