The sun was out to play and miniscule shards of rainwater drifted from the sky like confetti. David seized the moment – and took this photo. It seems to sum up our wonderful Christmas and New Year – bright, colourful and just slightly crazy!
In the lead up to Christmas we had some fairly dramatic weather with a very strong wind. It eventually got the better of the electricity supply and we enjoyed a couple of evenings courtesy of candlelight, as did our lovely guests (hi, Jill and Ian).
In a way, it was quite exciting because the wind was warm, hailing from the south and we also knew that we had been lucky to avoid the worst of it while the south and west had been receiving some sterner stuff.
Meanwhile of course the rest of Europe was being held down by heavy snow storms and freezing conditions resulting in cancelled flights, delays and all sorts of travel chaos and despair. We felt lucky that our guests had made it at all! But they did and were soon rewarded by some absolutely glorious weather with full on sun which stayed with us, more or less, right through the New Year.
So here is wishing everybody out there, guests old and new, a wonderful New Year and hoping that 2010 will bring you health, happiness and your very own sunny rainbow.
Ann and David.